When you think about highly personalized customer experiences, you might think of companies like Amazon or Netflix. We’re all used to them offering up content and suggestions for “things you might like” based on what they know about you, ...Read More
For many of our clients, standardizing business processes and increasing efficiency across the organization are key priorities. It can be incredibly challenging to streamline operations when you have an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution to manage your warehouse or distribution ...Read More
We’d like to go ahead and save your organization some precious time. Even if you don’t see an urgent need for technology change today and are “doing just fine” meeting your goals with tools in place, you need ...Read More
Before the Coronavirus swept through the country and millions were left unemployed, a typical giveaway for San Antonio Food Bank would serve 200 families with the help of 20 volunteers. Leading up to a giveaway at the Alamodome on Friday, April 17, they ...Read More
Volunteers play a vital role in the success of animal welfare organizations who rely on volunteers to perform mission critical tasks. In addition to some fundraising and administrative opportunities common in nonprofits, those roles can range from exercising or walking ...Read More
The nonprofit CRM arena is rapidly changing. At the same time, fundraising and marketing strategies have also evolved considerably. Some of these changes are in response to larger environment shifts: economic indicators, charitable giving trends, donor demographics as younger generations ...Read More
Not so long ago, the accepted best practice was to operate on a single CRM platform, with the goal of achieving a 360-degree view of an organization’s constituents. At that time, single CRM approach made sense, and, with good ...Read More
In Part 1 and Part 2 of our three-part series for NGO Connect users, we looked at a brief history of the product and how recent acquisitions and product announcements have changed the outlook for the platform. We further explored other CRM ...Read More
We recently had the opportunity to develop a CRM Roadmap for a large food bank that wanted to streamline its systems and business processes to better serve its community. Like most food banks, it has a loyal constituency: many volunteers ...Read More
Food banks and hunger relief organizations across the country are taking a closer look at Salesforce and its potential to transform business operations throughout the organization. Connecting data across programs that serve diverse needs can bring efficiency to business operations ...Read More