With today’s use of digital communications like social media and texting, email might seem old-school. But it’s still one of the most powerful tools for your digital communications strategy. In fact, a 2019 benchmark report from CampaignMonitor and Qgiv ...Read More
At Heller Consulting, we work with many nonprofits to help them choose and implement the right technology systems and solutions for their specific needs. A key aspect of those technology projects is change management — preparing nonprofit staff for the technology ...Read More
Did you cringe a little (or maybe a lot!) when you read the title of this article? I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Many of us don’t want to re-live 2020. But tough times can make us stronger ...Read More
When you think about your nonprofit’s digital strategy, training might not immediately come to mind. But having a plan for training is more important than you might think — especially in today’s environment of remote workforces. Training is a ...Read More
The way we see it, marketing automation tools are a natural extension of a successful CRM ecosystem. Having captured data and with a 360-degree view of constituents, organizations can take the next logical step and leverage automation tools to connect ...Read More
Preparing your fundraising information for your accounting system isn’t always easy. In fact, it can take significant time and effort to align and reconcile data properly. That’s something Salesforce has aimed to make easier with the release of ...Read More
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, nonprofits everywhere are expecting radical shifts in strategy, revenue, and day-to-day operations. Because of this, many organizations are worried about staying afloat and coming out the other side. That’s why it’s ...Read More
Gaining buy in for new CRM technology across multiple departments challenges even the nimblest organizations. For food banks, the needs and interests of program staff and the fundraising department require careful consideration, especially in cases where not everyone agrees on ...Read More
Like everyone today, animal shelters are changing how they operate amid the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some shelters had already begun setting up pet food pantries for those who struggle to afford to adopt or keep pets; as with ...Read More
During these turbulent times, many of our nonprofit clients are re-prioritizing their investments, focusing on marketing automation to quickly ramp up fundraising and improve results. They’re getting up and running (and comfortable using) Pardot, a powerful marketing automation solution, ...Read More