Executive Guides for Nonprofit Leaders - Heller Consulting


Our executive guides are designed for leaders at nonprofits and higher education institutions of all sizes. Our hope is that these equip you make better decisions for your organization as you adapt and evolve your technology strategy in this ever-changing landscape. If you have any questions, or just want to chat about one of our guides, please contact us. We’re happy to discuss.

The Nonprofit’s Guide to Change Management – Demystifying Change During Projects

Change, even when it moves us forward, can be stressful and unsettling. The COVID-19 pandemic forced nonprofits along with the rest of the w...

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The Food Bank’s Guide to Optimizing CRM Technology to Meet a Growing Demand for Services

The Food Bank’s Guide to Optimizing CRM Technology to Meet a Growing Demand for Services When COVID-19 hit, food banks saw a near-imme...

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Formula for Nonprofit Marketing Automation Success

Powerful Automation Tools + CRM Integration + Constituent Strategy In our experience, marketing automation tools are a natural extension of ...

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What to Consider Before Replacing Your CRM

Even before COVID-19 required sudden changes to how nonprofits operate, we often encouraged organizations to take a best-of-breed approach w...

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Scale Up Your Fundraising – Now

Today, most nonprofits have moved into uncharted territory. They’re considering how to adapt their fundraising in response to the fallout ...

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