How well a nonprofit organization manages its constituent relationships is perhaps the most critical factor in determining the organization’s success in fulfilling its mission. What’s required is reliable, accurate, and easy-to-access information to manage the nonprofit’s relationship ...Read More
Here’s the simple truth: you cannot have a completely successful constituent relationship management (CRM) implementation without closely managing the organizational change it entails. While most discussions will center around the technological aspects of implementing a new platform or ecosystem ...Read More
In the not-too-distant past, nonprofit organizations talked fervently about the importance of all areas of an organization operating from a single nonprofit CRM platform. There was an assumption, typically unchallenged, that the best state for all organizations would be for ...Read More
2019 is likely to be one of the most dynamic years in recent memory for nonprofit technology. There are a number of transforming and exciting trends, ultimately resulting in more and better choices for nonprofit organizations looking to leverage technology to ...Read More
All nonprofit organizations face their own set of unique challenges to successfully carry out their missions. But, regardless of their individual goals, structures, and processes, all nonprofits must engage efficiently and effectively with their constituents and establish positive relationships with ...Read More
When considering the CRM landscape today, it’s important to think about both technology and the context that drives it. Ideally, we’d say that the strategic needs of organizations have driven technological development. While that’s partially true, it ...Read More
I’m happy to be attending the NetHope Global Summit in Dublin and Microsoft is shaking things up with the announcement of a new wave of development on nonprofit technology within their Dynamics CRM offerings. After decades of providing their ...Read More
With nearly 200 sessions specifically for nonprofits, over 3,000 sessions total and about 170,000 attendees, Dreamforce 2018 will certainly be an engaging event. It can be overwhelming to figure out how to make the most of it, but the good news is, there is ...Read More
On November 16, Heller presented the seventh and final installment of our CRM Options for Enterprise Nonprofits webinar series designed to help organizations learn more about today’s CRM solution marketplace. We also hope to help organizations understand and overcome common ...Read More
November's business analytics for nonprofits write up is about industry leader Tableau. If you've been reading the rest of the series, you know our goal is to provide quick snapshots highlighting the basic features and functionality of each product. Organizations ...Read More