Webinars - Heller Consulting


Our unique partnerships with software providers and our association with nonprofit organizations of all shapes and sizes allows us to stay abreast of trends in nonprofit technology strategy. As we combine these perspectives, with our own experience and knowledge, we cultivate rich insights and can speak with authority on a wide range of topics that impact the nonprofit community.

Salesforce.org Changemakers Video: Cornell University and Heller Consulting

Tips and Insights on Technology Transformation in Higher Education A conversation with Cornell University, Heller Consulting, and Salesforc...

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Microsoft Paths for Nonprofits

Microsoft Paths for Nonprofits: A Conversation with Greater Chicago Food Depository and Microsoft  Today, nonprofits have more technolog...

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On-Demand Webinar: Costs and Benefits of a New Nonprofit CRM

Moving to a new CRM is a step forward for nonprofit organizations. But getting to that decision can be filled questions like: How do I get...

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On-Demand Webinar: Digital Transformation with Microsoft Products for Nonprofits

  Digital Transformation with Microsoft Products for Nonprofits a conversation with the Arthritis Foundation and MISSION CRM On-Demand ...

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Webinar: Power Fundraising with CRM

Power Fundraising with CRM: Next Level Strategies, Tools and Techniques Ready to power up your fundraising this year? In this on-demand webi...

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