Transcript: Top 3 Missed Opportunities to Use Wealth Screening - Heller Consulting

Transcript: Top 3 Missed Opportunities to Use Wealth Screening

On June 27, advancement experts from WealthEngine and Heller Consulting discussed underutilized strategies that can help boost the success of your next campaign. In this webinar, they showed how successful organizations leverage and extend opportunities with their CRM data to identify, nurture, and maintain the most rewarding constituent relationships. Below is the transcript of the webinar, and you can view the entire session here.

Transcript: Top 3 Missed Opportunities to Use Wealth Screening

Bryan: Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today for our webinar covering the top three missed opportunities to utilize wealth screening for advancement. Our presenters today will be Sandy Reinardy, Account Executive for Higher Education at Heller Consulting and JB Rauch, Vice President of Strategic Alliances at WealthEngine. If you have any questions during this session, please put them in the question section of the Go To Webinar panel and we will answer them at the Q&A after the presentation. We will be recording this session and will email a link to the recording and slides afterwards. Sandy, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself and Heller Consulting?

About Heller and WealthEngine

Sandy Reinardy: Great, thank you. I’m Sandy Reinardy. I’m an account executive for higher education at Heller Consulting and at Heller we are a technology strategy and implementation focus for non-profits in higher education organizations. We’ve got about 20 years. We’ve been around well over 20 years, 1,500 clients, 3,000 projects and we’ve got folks gathered around the country. One of the things we like to highlight is we do always hire from the field, so all of our consultants come in from non-profit organization or schools, and sometimes if you stick around long enough you go back, which is what I did. I was here for about nine years earlier in my career and then I actually spent the last three years in-house at the University of Wisconsin Foundation where we did a large scale CRM in systems implementation and got some great insight into… on the ground and got to refresh my in-house experience in that way. I’m happy to be back with Heller and taking that back out to our clients.

We focus on CRM systems implementation. We do a lot of implementation and optimization, particularly on, but we also… a growing part of our business is CRM strategy and design planning. Things are changing quickly. Technologies are becoming a little bit more agilely adopted, swapped in, then taken out, which means it’s really important for schools to have an idea of where they want to go at any given time and what their key priorities, and have their approach and strategy defined. We do a lot of work in that area also, to help define the vision and the overall priorities, and then evolve along with our clients as they grow and go through different stages. That’s a little bit about Heller and I’ll turn it over to JB to talk a little bit about himself in WealthEngine.

JB Rauch: Thank you Sandy and Bryan. It’s a pleasure to speak with you all today. WealthEngine, as you probably now, has been at this a long time; 15 years plus, over 3,200 clients, about 754 schools using WealthEngine at K-12 and higher education. Our topic today is going to be opportunities for screening and ways in which you can use that data most effectively. I’m excited to be here Sandy. That would be awesome.

Sandy Reinardy: Absolutely.

JB Rauch: Thank you so much. Folks, for those of you who don’t know WealthEngine, no problem. We work with a hundred and forty eight hospital systems; Mount Sinai if you were admitted today would this evening send your name and address to WealthEngine, we would return a wealth profile so you might get a visit to help fund the campaign. We call that Grateful Patient Fundraising. Higher education, I mentioned. Many schools, SalesForce, Jenzabar, Campus Management and the list continues, all integrated with WealthEngine so those CRMs can absorb our data and be used in segmentation. Non-profits, we work with many across the board. You see a small smattering. You may wonder why financial luxury. It’s interesting. Most of these folks sat on non-profit boards, like Goldman and  , and they realize that our technology would be just as helpful in uncovering affluent to bring under management and affluent to raise money from. Then we do a lot of luxury work   and recently the , if you’ve seen that cute little four-door Sedan. We help them find the first mover, the 25 to 35 of a hundred grand in income, their first expensive car.  awesome. That’s a little bit about the customers we work with.

WealthEngine, what do we do? At the core are datasets. You, that’s what you’re essentially interacting with when you are using our UI, whether that be in our CRM or in a standalone environment. We buy data, publicly available data from 55 different sources. Think of it 240 million dossiers. What’s unique about WealthEngine is we curate, normalize and update our dataset every quarter, coverage about 90 percent of the US over the age of 18. We update it every quarter so we can eliminate false positives. Some of our competitors, when you do a screening it’ll just go out to all the datasets and return whatever. What we do is we precompile, as I said, so we’re going to throw out. If 90 percent of the time the return across the dataset is your home address, that’s what we’re going to run with. We base our ratings and scores, like propensity to give, gift capacity and net worth also at the highest quality of match. Our data should be the most accurate in the industry. It’s national in reach. So US. We are not in Canada, Mexico and we recently turned our UK dataset down as a result of some challenges and regulatory challenges in the UK, having nothing to do with WealthEngine. Next slide. Awesome.

This is a little bit about WealthEngine and then we’re going to get into the meat of the matter. At the bottom here in gray you see our profile and scores. Those are based on the 55 sources that we talked about. Then we have EPIs and you can surface our data directly in the WealthEngine platform so that you can search an individual by name and address, or you can do a screening, perform a data service with WealthEngine or you can develop a prospect list for folks that you don’t know. If you’re trying to find season ticket holders for the football at the school, university, etc., we can help with that. Then we have an analytics engine that can help you find more customers… well, customers in the case of alumni, more alumni just like my best. If 75 or a hundred are my best and I wish I could have more, you could push another list up against that, say another hundred thousand, and we’ll help you find ones that are just like a 90 percent match to criteria that our dataset returned on the 75 that are our best. We also do some modeling and analytic custom projects and we integrate with 33 different CRMs, SalesForce being one of those. Sandy.

Sandy Reinardy: All right. We’d like to hear a little bit about you all in a moment, but I also just want to give a little background on this webinar and how it came together. WealthEngine is a partner of ours that we work with as we do with several technologies and I really enjoy working with our partners to talk about the combination between what their services and products are that they can bring to our clients, and how we see those things playing out and optimizing their use in-house and all the day to day operations and making strategic use of things.

Poll: What is your primary responsibility?

With that bit about us, I also want to start here with a poll just to hear a little bit about who all is attending the webinar. We would just love to have you answer here this poll about “What is your primary responsibility?” I’m sure many of you wear several hats, but if you can go ahead and let us know a little bit about where you sit in your offices and that would be great.

Some quick answers here, good. Just another few seconds. All right, great. Looks like we’ve got a lot of mostly prospect research, got a little bit of constituent and gift processing in the house and then some fundraisers for us here. That’s great and thank you all for attending. We are going to, as I mentioned… let me get this back in. The webinar is a mix today of… we’ve got some kind of practical regular on the ground things that we talk about as best practices and that we’ve seen through our work with our clients, combined with some really cool features that WealthEngine can… some things that might be a little bit newer and that we really want to make sure people are aware of. We entitle this “The Three Top Missed Opportunities” that we see among our clients when they’re using wealth screening and their information… sorry about that and there we go.

Missed Opportunity 1: Capital Campaign (Not) Planning

All right, and the first one is the one that I like to call Capital Campaign Not Planning. This is something we’ve seen a lot, which is planning for whether it’s a big or small campaign, a big comprehensive or just say a shorter mini fundraising effort with leadership and advancement, sometimes board level, however it might be, coming up with working with chancellors and campus leadership to say, “We really need to raise money for this. This is this initiative and we need to raise this much money,” and kind of coming up with those goals which are excellent and important, and identifying the priorities. But then and establishing, and finalizing those goals without actually validating, fully doing a strong validation of the prospect pool that you have. That means engaging your research team, using that wealth screening and really working to make sure that what we’ve identified, we’ve got the capacity to raise that.

What often happens is they come out with that, they get going and then they ask Research to fill in the gaps as they go. That can just lead to a pretty slow and disorganized launch. It can lead to frustration on both sides for researchers and for fundraisers who are anxious to get their portfolios built up while they’re waiting for things to be done. It also can hit some budget issues because there’re several things that you may need to budget for when it comes to both the screening and the data preparation and enhancement that goes along with that to really make the most of it. Then worst case of course is it can in its worst iteration can lead to failure to hit the campaign goals at all because it just wasn’t appropriately vetted ahead of time. What we see of course the best practice is that all of those things happen at the same time. The university needs a priority. They’re being discussed. That prospect pool is being validated against those ideas. Internal operations as a whole separate thing is also being built up and planned for that lead to unified achievable goals for that campaign.

Often, this work should be happening three to eight months ahead of time depending on where and what the scale is, as well as what your resources are. The scale may not be big, but if you’ve got one person who needs to do a lot of different things or only a handful of people working on these, you might need to plan for more time so that regular work continues at the same time. The other is beginning with data enrichment. So email address and phone appends, planning for that, making sure you’re scheduled in time to first do those data enrichment tasks so that the wealth screening matches are… you’re really getting a great hit rate on those. Analyzing your combined data; so in-house data with the WealthEngine data points that really combine to give you solid targets and make your projections as accurate as possible – we’re going to talk about that a little bit more down the line. Basically, the resulting data when you view the appropriate type of planning should inform your goals, your prospects or your pyramid and your research requirements so you know what kind of budget info you need to have for data projects throughout the campaign. That one is fairly straightforward. Our next one gets a few, gets a little bit more info in here in terms of underusing.

Missed Opportunity 2: Under-using Wealth Screen Data

The missed opportunity number two is basically underusing wealth screen data. Either right off the bat if you’re not already using some kind of service to do the screening, that’s underutilizing number one. Often, people who are using or have some data that might be updated or whatever it is, there’s some opportunity beyond the traditional domain of prospects research or gift processers kind of just… I’m sorry, gift officers looking at donor profiles as they’re working with donors. There’s a lot more that you can get out of your investment in wealth screening. The first one is an annual giving program. I don’t think enough people leverage this data when they’re planning out their annual giving programs. Where this can be really useful I think often is in dividing up your annual giving direct marketing programs into… at minimum, these are two very highest level simplistic. You could get a lot more details in the segmentation of the… but on the left here are your past donors. If you’ve got past donors, you could be combining your consistent giving, what are the patterns that people have been giving to in the past, and their past gift sizes along with their capacity in giving interest from WealthEngine to build out segments that really align with the different priorities that you’re looking for. So aligning your giving interests, targeting people for different content in your direct marketing, as well as establishing ask letters that really help you maximize what you’re asking people for. This is one area that I think often gets underutilized.

Then the other can sometimes be an opportunity both to really have successful acquisition campaigns, but also… and your new donor, trying to get people back into the fold; but also can be an opportunity to save money by just eliminating certain things. If you take a look, you’ve got a pool of non-donors in your core system and you’ve got from your propensity to give score from WealthEngine as well as donors’ capacity and their giving interests. These things might, especially during the campaign, if you’ve got specific priorities that you’re attempting to raise money for, you can take a look at those combinations of things. See which of these non-donors are most likely to actually start giving now if they haven’t before, and then maybe eliminate some of those other segments. Take people that don’t score highly in these areas and say, “We’re going to not worry about them right now. We’re going to do really great campaigns on these ones, because we think they’re already better prospects for us to focus on.” These kinds of things, bringing that into the fold for annual giving, taking the action, testing it, analyzing those results and repeating along with your WealthEngine data is I think a really great way to get more out of it than standard major gift use cases. Those are the kind of back office things. Then I’m going to have… JB is going to talk a bit about two other opportunities with enhancing, with using WealthEngine tools.

JB Rauch: Thanks Sandy. I was head of development at the Urban Land Institute, while not an educational institution in and of itself; did a lot of work with developers and fundraising. So I echo her thoughts that planning to succeed upfront is so critical, understanding the capacity of the file, retaining a consultant, budgeting effectively, having an informed and a thoughtful approach with consensus among the various groups internally before you launch the campaign so that you can indeed be successful in raising what it is you’ve targeted. WealthEngine, what a lot of folks will do is not screen enough records to try to save a little money, or not screen often enough because they want to save a little bit of money, and what I’m finding now in schools, recently in Georgetown University, for example, is shifting campus-wide under the SalesForce platform. They’re screening twice a year, the entire file. They do that because they want to uncover change over time in that file and the incremental cost associated with that screening is going to most certainly be outweighed by the cost. What is WealthEngine up to? What’s new? Well, we have done a lot with our gifts capacity, just to make you all aware and so we’re going to continue to do that, as well as refining the Charitable Giving information and the affinity that we have in our system. Today when you go in, if any of you are WealthEngine users, please take a deep dive and check into the Charitable Giving pieces. You’ll see the enhancements as well as an affinity score. In other words, like what are people giving to. They’re giving to education or to leisure or culture. You can begin to kind of get a pattern, see patterns there. We’ve added that to our dataset of late.

Now, this slide addresses our API. We’ve recently launched a new API. At any point in the stewardship process you can hit the WealthEngine API and return all of our basic ratings and scores. What do I mean? Well, on your website, if you have a newsletter that people can sign up for or events that they’re having, they put in their name and address and you can hit the WealthEngine API in real time and return the rating scores as people sign up for an event or as they make a donation. We even have some platforms now that are beginning to integrate to the API to return a two part donation form. Put in the name and the address and then hit next and it will surface a different ask amount based on the affluence of the individual. Instead of 50, a hundred, 250, 300, you can surface 200, 500, 700. So you can begin to do that kind of segmentation with the app if you write to our API. I’m more than happy to have conversation with any of you. It’s very simple. Doesn’t take a great deal of time or energy and you can begin to pull in those wealth rating scores in real time as people interact with your various digital properties. Thank you. Next slide.

Sandy Reinardy: That’s great. Yeah, I just wanted to add I think that that’s awesome both in terms of a way to have this feeding in on a regular basis, but also I think it enables some opportunities to do some kind of out-of-the-box things. One thought we had was you could redirect one telephone staffer for instance to do… if you’re getting real time things and there’s online giving campaigns going on, they could be doing very quick follow up calls, thank you calls to reach out steward donors that meet a certain threshold and use that information to really target and ramp up a stewardship program. I think that’s really cool and neat.

JB Rauch: Absolutely Sandy. For sure, thank you.

Sandy Reinardy: All right.

JB Rauch: Also analytics. WealthEngine, as many of you know, has done modeling and analytics projects for quite some time. We recently did a large one for Sierra Club for example, and we’re starting one with Planned Parenthood. The analytics for us, we’ve taken what we’ve learned and created a platform for it. Essentially, what occurs is you can take any list. Let’s go back to my previous example. Let’s say the school has 500… these are what I call the Ideal Donor… go out to the WealthEngine Dataset, will return the common characteristics among that 500. Then you can push any other list up against that, say a hundred thousand alums up against that list of the 500 that you wished you had more of and we’ll let you know which are like 80 or 90 percent similar to the characteristics of the best. Then you can make a more thoughtful and sensible ask of those that are currently, that have all the demographic, all the wealth and all the interest data just like a best donor. You also as part of this can develop a look-like model and go out into our dataset and find more people who didn’t attend the university, but might live in the surrounding community. If you’re looking for folks to purchase say season tickets, take those folks who have season tickets today to the football program and see if you can’t find more people within a 250 mile radius that are just like my current season ticket holders. It’s a way for you to refine before you start to engage. Then we welcome you to take a preview of it and there’s a trial that’s available on our website. Thanks Sandy.

Sandy Reinardy: Sure. That’s really cool. I’ve had a lot of opportunity there as well, and it’s fun to see that because it’s really coming around to stuff that five or ten years ago I don’t think was quite at the scale that people were able to combine this in the CRM systems where it mature either to yield effective data for this modeling and this analytics in the nonprofit market. I think it’s really exciting.

JB Rauch: Most definitely and of course, best practice. Like I said, we integrate with 33 CRM. SalesForce is one. Go ahead. You’re up. Thanks Sandy.

Missed Opportunity 3: CRM Wealth Screening Integration

Sandy Reinardy: Sure. No problem. All right and then our third missed opportunity – that was actually perfect – is it’s actually surprising how many people are not integrating their data together, their CRM data, their fundraising core system data with their wealth screening data and bringing those into the same system. This one’s a fairly basic missed opportunity, but it does happen and it leads to, of course, lost time. Your researchers and your fundraisers are going back and forth, looking from screen to screen and compiling, manually compiling information for portfolios or meeting prep, or during trip planning. Your reporting teams are spending similar time, but on a larger scale, attempting to combine data in various ways, or they’re not spending that time and they’re just missing out entirely on the ability to combine. Really, this information, the WealthEngine data is of course… it’s extremely valuable in insight that you need, and to really help to make that most effective is combining it with the data that you have as JB just talked about on your existing records. I guess that’s kind of basic, but it’s amazing that it happens.

The thing is, I do think there’s two primary reasons that we see happen that we see that this happens and it is system limitations and a rainy day project. It just gets put off. System limitations is people have a CRM system that just it either doesn’t have fields available to store the different WealthEngine data points, and so they’re not able to find any place to put it. Or they have a system that’s kind of older, might be kind of cranky such that integrating other data into it is unaffordable or unwieldy. The toolset just isn’t there. I would say this one gets a little bit of tough love, which is at this point if that’s the situation that you find yourself in, you really want your organization to think seriously about system replacement, because what we know is if you’re not able to do this piece, it’s very likely that you’re missing other functionality that’s really key in today’s fundraising environment. That’s going to be very important to start thinking about which direction you want to go next. The other is also things do change fast. So I’d recommend confirming, both between system capability sometimes change, availability of off the shelf integration, stuff like that, changes as well as we know fast turnover sometimes changes. Sometimes I’ve seen plenty of places where there is kind of one person who has been the guard of the old system and has customized it, and maybe saying like, “Nope, we can’t do it.” Every once in a while, especially if there is staff turnover, it’s a good time to just confirm like is that really the case or were there other things in the past that we couldn’t do it in the past that may have changed now.

Then the other is the rainy day project. Every organization has projects that never get prioritized and integrations can certainly fall into that category a lot. Sometimes if there’s lack of will or understanding by leadership about why it’s important, what I would recommend is taking the time. If you are one of those people who have to combine that data, go ahead and keep a little log. Keep track of how much time you’re spending doing that and for a bit of time, if you can do the math to extrapolate over longer to help to make the case for that effort. As well as, anything… anytime you’re noticing something that, “Oh, I really would love to do this,” or “This would be much better if we could easily get this data combined, because I would like this key data point to make this decision.” That’s a matter of your own personal, getting over your own personal rainy project stuff and just kind of making a commitment. Keeping your notebook specifically for this something around so you remember to sort of track it and can help to build that case for going forward. Then budget accordingly for a future cycle.

JB Rauch: If I could jump in, and guys and gals, this all starts with you actually. If you look at the integrations, the 33 that WealthEngine has, it’s because the customers demanded it of the CRM players. So you see a small smattering here. These folks have integrated with WealthEngine. If you’re on Millennium, for example, they have written to our API. Similarly, Jenzabar or Campus Management have all written to our API, as has. Generally, what they do is they have 52 fields that are predefined to accept the WealthEngine data for a screening so that it’s very easy to push our data into those systems. The same is true with SalesForce. Then also you can see in preview our core ratings and scores right on the contact record in most of these CRMs, and most also have a single sign-on to WealthEngine. I can be in a contact record on SalesForce and jet out to WealthEngine to see the full profile. When Sandy says get that data in the CRM, I’m going to challenge each of you to push back on your CRM. If you don’t have an integration with WealthEngine, ask them to build one. That’s how these all got built in the first place, but the ones that I’ve named, we have integrations. We’re working to try to get one placed with Jenzabar. Very eager for your help here, because it does take a community ultimately to build these integrations because the CRM plays… they focus on where their customers want them to go. Thank you Sandy. I appreciate this slide as well.

Sandy Reinardy: Absolutely. We’re moving along fairly quickly here. That wraps up most of our pre-prepared content. So we’d love to open it up here for questions and see what things that are on people’s minds.

JB Rauch: Share best practices too. If you have thoughts for the group today, we’d love to share those too, please.

Questions and Answers

Bryan: We’ve got a couple questions that have come in here. First one here is, “We’ve done an initial wealth screening on our alumni and we’re struggling to come up with the range of prospects we think we need. What can we do to get through this?”

Sandy Reinardy: Very good question. One of the things is, if you’re specifically focused on alumni, sometimes I’ve heard people push back a little against the idea of going broader into some of the other populations that are the non-alumni populations because of not wanting to bring them into the system or various things, but I think I’ve seen some people have real success with doing a screening on your ticket buyers for performance, your art spaces or your sporting events. Some of the non-alumni populations and screening those, and doing the analysis before bringing them into your system. You don’t need to clog up everything with everybody out there, but to do that and then bring in only the top qualified ones. That’s one of my thoughts. The other is JB, I’ve heard you talk before about the kind of a missing… something that can be kind of missing in plain sight, the unmatched pools. Can you talk a little bit about the matching process and unmatched records?

JB Rauch: Sure. Thanks Sandy. The other thing, for whoever it is who asked the question, I would recommend that you give thought to retaining Heller to help you work through some of those challenges. When you do get your wealth screening back, you can always come back to us and we will help you understand the results and help you prioritize. If it’s in the CRM, of course you can use the native reporting tools to help you segment, but unmatched, meaning if you look at the score and we’ll always recommend that you’ll look at the excellent or above average; but you’ll get some that are essentially unmatched and they didn’t return a propensity to give score or a net worth that’s extraordinarily low. You’ll find that in here are really super-uber wealthy folks who are hiding their hides in trust and often have foundations. So you have to do some additional digging. This is where your prospect researchers can really be so very helpful in completing the WealthEngine profile. In many cases, I like to say our data is directionally accurate and we can help you uncover and find, and help you segment and help you make an ask, but ultimately that prospect researcher plays a vital role and those unmatched, usually you got a fair number of smattering in there of the uber affluent that you’re going to have to do some digging to uncover more about.

Sandy Reinardy: Exactly. Great.

Bryan: Okay. Great answer, great answer. That was a great question. Here’s another one that just came in here. It’s about integrations. Does WealthEngine have an integration with EverTrue?

JB Rauch: No. We don’t today. I would like to. I’ve kind of take some of that back, because actually I saw their CEO out in California several weeks back. They’re in the midst of one actually. So thank you. I have to connect back with Dan and his team, to get a status on that. Who was that that sent me that? Did you have the name there Bryan, so I can circle back afterwards? You helped me here. You’ve helped remind me of something I need to do.

Bryan: Yes, I’ll send that over to you.

JB Rauch: Thank you. Yes it’s in the process, but we haven’t vetted it yet. Once somebody builds an integration, WealthEngine does an acceptance test, which is I think the next with EverTrue. We do that so that you’re not the guinea pig, so that we do a robust testing of the integration first. Thanks.

Bryan: Great, great. Here’s another good question that came in. They say, “We don’t have enough time to adequately make use of full data screening. How do other organizations decide what to focus on?”

Sandy Reinardy: Yeah. I think in some ways… and this may be sort of basic, but sometimes that is the case, is just dividing it up and scheduling. I know at Wisconsin we implemented a quarterly, which often ended up to be a three times a year portfolio management meetings with each of our development officers. We did those that way on a rolling basis and we made sure that they were aware of what their schedule… when theirs was coming up. It was a lot of communication, the change management or kind of the overall expectation setting was really important, but what we did, we did it that way and then also scaled down. We only did the screenings on segments that we were preparing for that next round. We did it three to four times a year, depending on how our schedules kind of worked out. I think the easiest thing to do is just to kind of chunk it up and spread it out over time. The other, I think that the analytics, the modeling that JB talked about earlier in terms of helping to surface other… of other good prospects that match what you had in the past also helps to just make the most out of when you’re doing it so you can surface more better results with a smaller screening.

JB Rauch: Absolutely. echoing your thoughts there Sandy. The other thing is, with WealthEngine you don’t need to necessarily contract for a single screening in a one-time event. We’ll grant you a bank of screening calls and you can essentially do those over time. Most structure a two to three year plan, like we did at Georgetown and then the other they’re going do it semi-annually. You could do it at any point based on whatever it is you’ve got going on from a campaign perspective. So it doesn’t have to be a one-time event.

Sandy Reinardy: Yeah. I think the other thing is building in also the schedule – and this is something we were working on – was also building in that schedule even ahead of time if you’re going to do these at whichever schedule you are to do those email appends and address appends before in line as well. Kind of backing up schedule far enough so that that data’s ready to go, you’re getting the most of your screening and then you move on to the next cycle. Great.

JB Rauch: Yeah. There are services out there like we have one where we locate or we’ll help you find folks if you don’t have them. WealthEngine can find people on email and phone number if you are missing an address as well. There are locator services in addition to ours, but I would recommend that you most definitely update. Obviously, we all know that’s a challenge .

Sandy Reinardy: Yes, exactly.

Bryan: Okay. We have another question here. It’s a little more on the technical side. “Where can I find information on how to take my WealthEngine screening and import the file into Razor’s Edge prospects tab under ratings? Then how do I know what WealthEngine file to use for integrating with our CRM?” Is that something that we can talk about and solve here on the webinar today?

JB Rauch: Absolutely. We do this all the time with Razor’s Edge. There are 19 fields to find to accept our data and it’s trending down as more folks move off Razor’s Edge, but today around 32 percent of our customers are on RE. Our customer support team can most definitely assist you. Bryan, if you could take whomever that is that asked the question and send it to me, I will circle back and make sure you get in touch with one of our specialists who can help you do just that. We will need to help hold your hand, because you’ve got to define some fields to accept the data in RE, and obviously Black Bot and WealthEngine are our foe, not friend. I wish it was the opposite, but the reality is that we will have to help you to find those 19 fields and then we’ll help you to find which data you want to push in. It’s a somewhat manual process. Welcome to the world of Black Bot, but we look forward to helping you.

Bryan: Sounds great. We’ll definitely get that all connected up for everyone. Another question?

JB Rauch: May I make a forward-looking statement? Sorry, I’m going to make a forward-looking statement Bryan. For those of you who may know Omatic, Omatic builds plugins for Raiser’s Edge and Omatic is in process, and we’re going to announce next week at one of the big conferences, we’re going to make an announcement with Omatic for a WealthEngine plugin for RE. You’ll be able to push data directly into Raiser’s Edge hosted environment early August. It’ll be a very seamless process. For those folks who had a question, come back to me and I can have our team help you with a basic import like I discussed or you can hang out and wait for the Omatic… import Omatic for WealthEngine, which like I said is going to be announced next week.

Sandy Reinardy: Right and Omatic does great, excellent work with their tools, with Raiser’s Edge. We’ve had some experience with them as well.

JB Rauch: Yeah, they build connectors all the time. So this is very, very easy in terms of them and it’s all approved and vetted by Blackbaud. We’re in that approval process right now.

Bryan: Great. That sounds wonderful. Here’s another question. Do you have any resources, or case studies, or anything to help make the case to decision-makers and accountants for teams that want to be able to use WealthEngine?

JB Rauch: Most definitely. We have a rich bevy of case studies on our website. I can connect you with other schools that use WealthEngine so that you can understand how they’re doing it, and also kind of brainstorm with them how they got approval to move forward. Please, circle back with me. Bryan, provide that individual with my contact information so I can help them justify, most definitely.

Bryan: Absolutely.

Sandy Reinardy: Great. I’m just going to put this slide up here. We can continue with questions if they’re coming in, but we’ve been referring to contact info. So I’ll just make sure this is up here. I would also mention, feel free to reach out to us as well if you’re finding that it is a matter of internal change management things, in this case in general, more broadly. Whether it’s this or something else, we’re also happy to have conversations about best practices in that area.

Bryan: Well, that sounds great. JB, Sandy, thank you so much for everything today. If no one has any more conversations that kind of wraps it up for us here today. Like I said earlier, we will be sending out the recording and the slides and a transcript of this webinar today. If you have any questions after watching it later with your family and friends around the campfire, please give us a call. Contact us and we’ll be happy to talk with you.

Sandy Reinardy:  Thank you.

Bryan: JB and Sandy, again thank you very much for joining us today. We look forward to hearing from you all again. Bye-bye.



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