At Heller Consulting, we understand the unique challenges nonprofits face when implementing CRM systems. That's why we created our comprehensive guide, "How to Prepare Your Nonprofit for a CRM Implementation." This guide was designed to give you valuable insights and practical advice for a successful CRM implementation.
Read it to learn how to:
- Prepare for Success: We talk about approaching the process as an opportunity for improvement and optimization, rather than simply replicating past systems. Learn how to assess your specific needs, budget effectively, align on goals and success metrics, establish a clear decision-making process, and ensure data readiness.
- Harness the Power of Collaboration: Unlock the full potential of your CRM by involving different departments and leaders within your nonprofit organization. Our guide highlights the crucial roles each department plays including executive leadership, marketing, development, programs, finance, HR, and IT.
- Maximize Your Investment: Read tips on how to budget effectively, and how to assess the long-term ROI of your CRM implementation. Our guide also highlights the importance of managing data strategy, implementing data governance processes, and maximizing the potential of your new technology.