Spoiler: Not completely, but our clients are taking a byte. The dazzling improvement of generative AI platforms in the past year has led to increasing comfort among technologists. 67 percent of tech leaders surveyed by Salesforce reported prioritizing AI, with ...Read More
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make headlines, you might be thinking more about how your nonprofit should be using AI. It can help to understand what tools and capabilities are available and how you can start preparing to use ...Read More
As a nonprofit professional, you know that data can be a tricky thing. While it’s critically important for your fundraising, marketing, and other activities, it’s often housed in multiple systems across an organization – making it difficult to gain ...Read More
Late last fall, I attended a workshop about generative artificial intelligence (AI) at the Association of Change Management Professionals regional conference in Toronto. I’ll admit, I walked into the conference thinking things like, “AI is a younger person’s ...Read More
You can’t miss the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) these days. Almost every day, we hear news stories about AI and how it’s being used to address any number of challenges. We’re also seeing a steady stream ...Read More
As a nonprofit professional, you might be excited about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for nonprofits. You might also feel uncertain about, and even overwhelmed by, the possibilities: What could AI help your nonprofit do? Should you start using ...Read More
I left the recent Microsoft Nonprofit Leaders Summit energized by the potential of AI as well as a clearer understanding of things we should be considering as this new technology becomes available. Here are my key takeaways from the amazing ...Read More